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The Nordic Kitchen
What is unique about the Nordic kitchen?
The Nordic Kitchen > What is unique about the Nordic kitchen?

What is unique about the Nordic kitchen?

Research into the food we consume shows that the traditional Nordic diet, i.e. fatty fish, root vegetables, berries and wholemeal bread is among the healthiest in the world. Moreover, it is environmentally friendly since it is mainly based on what is easily grown but also on what is naturally and locally on offer and therefore does not need long transportation.

Revival of our regional gastronomic roots

Although influenced by other food cultures and tastes and refined through the centuries, the core of the Nordic food culture has more or less survived. Today we see a revival of our regional and national gastronomic roots as more and more, forward seeking chefs are looking for inspiration locally. The tastes and cooking techniques are perhaps more refined but the core elements still remain. Such as the smoked and cured fish and meats, the pickled herring, the wild berries and numerous cultivated local apple varieties.

Food trends follow and baking with sourdough and making your own sausages are today favoured pastimes among food-conscious consumers in the Nordic region who want to connect with their culinary heritage. Growing awareness among the public has raised demand for more local produce in schools, hospitals and healthcare and as a result, many local councils have now introduced guidelines and policies for their food purchase, with an aim to include more locally sourced foods on their menus.

Photo: Gunnar Magnusson