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Checklist Invitation
Tools > Checklist Invitation

Checklist invitation

The invitation is your guest’s first encounter with your up-coming event. Your invitation can be wild and crazy or proper and formal. It’s up to you to choose the type of invitation based on what type of event it is, who your guest is and what reaction you want the invitation to create.

The invitation should be designed in good time before sending it out. So, set yourself a generous deadline. 4-6 months ahead of the event is a good time to have the design in place.

Depending on what type of event the invitation could go out any time from four weeks up to several months before the actual event.

If you have a theme set for your event the invitation should of course match the theme.

You also have to decide if your guest can bring a spouse/partner/colleague etc.

Here are some important things that your invitation should include:

  • Name of event
  • Host of event
  • Explanation of the event if necessary
  • Date of event
  • Time of event
  • Location/venue/address of event
  • Dress code
  • RSVP e-mail or telephone number

Photo: New Nordic Food II